Marjorie Taylor Greene Reveals What Made Her the ‘Biggest Threat to Republicans’ on Episode 43 of ‘Tucker on X’

MTG Tucker Carlson

In episode 43 of his newest production, “Tucker on X,” host Tucker Carlson interviewed U.S. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA-14) about her outsider approach to handling her job in Congress.

Carlson said the first time he heard of Greene was through a string of news stories calling her a “crazed Nazi, anti-Semite” and attaching her to the phrase “Jewish Space Lasers,” which he noted was a “very obvious smear job” against the Georgia congresswoman.

The former Fox News host then asked Greene what it felt like when her Republican colleagues attacked her “on the basis of the smears without even looking into them.”

Greene said it was simply “shocking.”

“As a matter of fact, in January of 2021, all of Washington and the media created a character of me that didn’t exist,” Greene added. “And then they sold that character across the news platforms all across the country and across the world, 24/7. And Washington bought into it, too. And so every single day I showed up to work, all of a sudden I was like this toxic, poisoned member of Congress in Washington. And it was attacks day in and day out. It was something I’d never experienced before.”

Carlson noted how it would typically be the norm for the GOP to defend one of its own members from such smears, to which Greene attributed the lack of support from her colleagues to her outsider entrance into Congress and approach to her job.

“I wasn’t in-line, so to speak. I was completely from the outside. No one had propped me up. No one had told me to run. As a matter of fact, I never ever went to a GOP meeting anywhere until I announced that I was running for Congress…I didn’t go through the normal rank and file…I wasn’t one of them,” Greene explained.

Greene said she differs from the GOP establishment because she “truly believes” the things that she says.

“I think that made me the greatest threat to Republicans and Democrats in Washington,” Greene added.

As of press time, the latest installment of Carlson’s video podcast, posted at 4:59 p.m. Central Standard Time on Thursday by @TuckerCarlson, had over 500,000 views.

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Kaitlin on X / Twitter.
Photo “Tucker Carlson and Marjorie Taylor Greene” by Tucker Carlson. 





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